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Getting started with C++

Modified March 21, 2024

C++ runs on just about every computer supported by a (oftern large and sophisticated) collection of tools, such as operating systems, compilers, editors, debuggers, build systems, and system specific libraries. That's good, but when we want to start learning to program using C++, it leaves us with a huge problem: which computer and which tools? The language and its standard library is the same everywhere, but the supporting tools differ, sometimes dramatically.

Often, I find getting the first simple program ("Hello, World" see Chapter 1) to run on a system that's new to me a most frustrating experiences. Once I learn the toolset well enought to get "Hello, World" entered into the system, compiled, and executed, life's easier until I need to use something beyond the standard (e.g., Qt for Ch10) and I have to go through another installation and learning experience.

If you can, get help. An experienced friend, a colleague, a teaching assistent, or someone like that can save you frustration by showing you how to get started. It's usually not hard, but it might be completely novel and confusing to you.

First get an up-to-date C++ implementation.

Please contact me if you have more useful information.

Some popular implementations:

They all come with installation and user guides. Unfortunately, those guides are not always novice friendly, and we are all novices when it comes to something brand new.

Initial use

Microsoft Visual Studio

Plain Linux (not using an SDE)

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